Horse Chestnut in the Garden of The Tuileries, Paris, France

Aesculus hippocastanum in leaf and flower , Garden of The Tuileries, Paris France. Very commonly planted in Paris, the horse chestnut tree can be found on many grand Boulevards and formal park settings. By late summer and fall the leaves are brown around the edges.

There are several blighting conditions that effect the leaves by late summer. Leaf blotch and Leaf scorch are the ones that appear to affect the Horse Chestnut trees in Paris. Leaf scorch affects the margins while Blotch creates spots with yellow margins. Nonetheless, the leaves in May are stunning as well as the pink flowers.

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5 Replies to “Horse Chestnut in the Garden of The Tuileries, Paris, France”

  1. Dear Patricia,
    Thank you so much! It is lovely to be reminded of my interest in these beautiful trees! I wonder if you know when they began to bloom this year, and if you took any pictures you might be willing to share.

  2. When do the horse chestnut flowers on the trees in Paris fade? i am trying to get a sense of how long the blossoms can be seen on the tress.

    1. We were just in Paris—first two weeks in May, and these trees were in full bloom during that time. Hope this helps.

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