Mt Moriah Cemetery
Having the van being serviced at the Ford dealership in Southwest Philly. I am currently in Mount Moriah cemetery to view the eclipse. Right when the maximum coverage of the eclipse was to occur a very large and thick cloud moved in and covered the entire thing. I was able to get a picture or two about 15 minutes later through the very, very thick clouds- just enough of them opened up that I could see it through the haze so I was able to render an image!! Here it is!

I was happy to grab a nice sharp picture, even if it is only of half of it.

This is the vantage point where I am sitting on a staircase beside two large tombs.

Here is my viewing location!

As an aside from today’s main event, a few yards away from where I viewed the eclipse is the Sinclair plot . Last year I removed a lot of the vines that were covering it. I made a post about it in the Sanguine Root and some of you may remember that post. Here is an update of the condition of the plot. I think it is looking pretty good!