Contact Us

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5 Replies to “Contact Us”

  1. The sharpness and depth of colors makes your plant photos really stand out! Thanks for taking that little extra step to verify that your images are so well done. It makes perusing the blog very much more enjoyable.
    Mark D.

  2. Hello,
    I’m so pleased to have found your blog! I’m visiting the area about which you recently posted and staying at the Chateau de Balsac near Rodez.
    Where might one find a list of plants native to Aveyron? And how does one define “native” plant in an area that has seen so many introductions over the centuries?
    I have been ripping out garlic mustard and Japanese honeysuckle in part of Ohio that I visit each year. It bothers me tremendously to see Cortaderia and Ailanthus near Balsac.
    Thank you! Teresa

  3. Hi Again,

    I contacted you once before about your blog, and I was wondering if I could come out and visit you at Morris Park.

    I’m on summer break from Temple Ambler’s Landscape Architecture program and I’m looking to follow up on some of the contacts with native plants I found in the area, but didn’t have time to persue during the school year.

    As I mentioned before, I grew up in Overbrook and walked throught the park regularly to get to Papa Playground, so I’m excited to learn more about the native plants there and the invasive species issues.

    Thanks! -Allison

    1. Allison, it would be great if you could come out and visit our site! We are planning to have a garlic mustard removal work day this coming Sunday. It would be great if you could come out and we can also show you the native plants in the area and show you some of the work we have been doing in the park. Please let us know and we can make further arrangements.

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