Bluebells blooming! Below Bloodroot blooming ! Dutchman’s Breeches and Blood root !Twinleaf blooming below that. It is amazing how well these spring ephemerals are thriving in our West Philadelphia, rowhouse yard. It must be noted that while we are on the plateau, the fence of our yard, and the row houses are providing a ravine-like atmosphere that provides the protection, that some of these Ephemeral ravine-thriving plants need.

Winter’s end and emerging Spring in Philadelphia

I went on my 11 mile bike ride around Fairmount Park in Philadelphia today and the first part of the bike ride was warm and balmy and I saw some emerging spring ephemerals. After I crossed the Strawberry mansion bridge the wind started to pick up and clouds started to move in and when I got to Kelly Drive the wind was blowing pretty strong. A typical March day here in Philadelphia! I found a patch of Spring Beauty blooming and emerging Trout Lily’s. ( along the boxers Trail) I also found plenty of blooming spicebush!

Above , blooming spicebush!


My uncle and I went out on the Wacissa River this afternoon. We were hoping to find an owl. The owl was hooting and very close by but very busy nesting. We saw plenty of gators and a Black crowned night heron, an immature Blue heron among others. Notably, we saw two turtles that had been sliced in half by motorboats and were still surviving at least until now. Photographed below.

Yes the Sanguine Root condemns motorboats on the Wacissa.

On a lighter note, I was on my IPhone checking my email and texts as one does and my uncle asked if I was texting the owl. Oh yes indeed we are here ! Who Hoo Hoo and Hoo!! The owl texted (hooted actually) me back right away that she was busy with her nesting operations.