- Silene stellata
- This flower has been blooming for weeks now. Â This is great for the middle of the summer. Its still flowering even while producing seed, as can be noted just above the flower. Â An elegant plant with a whorl of leaves on a straight stem, not too tall, about 15 inches high. Â Bloom bloom bloom. Â This plant is in the business of blooming. Â
- It is picky too. It likes upland sites that are not disturbed and full of sun-blocking invasives. Â It likes the light of tall oaks, a filtered sun. Â It fits right in at the Lookout at the end of the Morris Park Road trail. This is a section of high-quality forest with a great species diversity, Mature trees and various native shrubs.
- Every day this August this plant  has been blooming, now on both sides of the path. There is a nice patch growing at the foot of a Red Maple tree. Even the leaves are starting to get beaten up, and yet it continues to bloom.
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