Salles-La-Source, France
Salles-La-Source, France

Isabelle in her native habitat.

Our commenting readership has demanded more pictures that show the context of many of the plants we have been featuring in our adventures throughout France. Our travels through the south of France have taken us to many charming villages, including one where Isabelle grew up.  Many of these villages date back to at least the 12th century and have an inventory of buildings that represent every century since, making for a fascinating display of architecture and history, much of which is proudly well preserved.

Salles-La-Source, France
Salles-La-Source, France

The town of Salles-La-Source was nestled on a steep hillside.  A beautiful waterfall cascaded down from the edge of the town. The waterfall created a rich environment full of ferns growing out of the rocks.  It was here that we discovered a native wildflower growing naturally in its habitat, a plant that has invaded Morris Park and many forests across the eastern half of America, the Garlic mustard, Alliaria petiolata.

Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard, Salles-La-Source, France
Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard, Salles-La-Source, France

What an exciting find!  Here is a plant that we have been pulling out of the forest in Philadelphia for years, and here it is growing in its native habitat!  The plant has already gone to flower and it is now only a few leaves for the rest of the growing season and through the winter. Seeing this plant as a native plant, belonging to a place has a degree of importance in our experience overall in our adventures in environmental restoration.  We spend so much time removing this plant from one habitat, trying to understand that it  is not the plant that is a problem, but the context, geography and history  of the plant that is problematic in specific locations and continents. Its all about the location of the plant. Here is one location that we can feel at ease with this plant and admire its beauty in its natural range.

Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard, Salles-La-Source, France
Alliaria petiolata, Garlic Mustard, Salles-La-Source, France

The leaf at the very bottom of the picture is English Ivy, Hedera helix, also in its native habitat. English Ivy is an invasive exotic in North America.

 Sean Solomon in Conques, France
Sean Solomon in Conques, France

This town, in the picture above is Conques.  This town is very picturesque, full of beautiful buildings nestled up against the greenest of hillsides, with vineyards above.  It really does look like this.  It is so charming it will take your breath away.   We were very impressed with the Romanesque church in Conques, which was extremely well preserved.   We admired the architecture and history for quite some time, and as we strolled casually about the place we began to notice the plants.  Observations were made, and here they are duly noted:

Castanea sativa in Conques, France
Castanea sativa in Conques, France

The hillside next to Conques is full of the native Chestnut trees, Castanea sativa, loaded with fruit, growing all the way up to the summit.

Sean Solomon with Castanea sativa in Conques, France
Sean Solomon with Castanea sativa in Conques, France

It is astonishing how similar this species is to the American Chestnut, the Castanea dentata. The Sativa is blighted as well, from the same fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, but has not suffered the devastating consequences as of yet as our dentata has.  However, the blight is prevalent in every population we examined, which we did in a vast range extending across 100s of  kilometers.

Conques, France
Conques, France

When we began examining the plants around town , an interesting picture began to unfold, and it was not the one we expected.  Many trees in the town were the same ones we have in Philly, the Ailanthus altissima, the Tree-of Heaven.

Conques, France
Conques, France

To the left is Pampas grass, a South American native, unfortunately having found itself in Conques, totally out of place. The tree to the right is the Chinese native Alianthus altissima, the tree-of-heaven, which has completely invaded France and can be found in every town we saw. Paris is the most invaded place we saw of this tree.  The Ailanthus tree is so prevalant in France that it is beyond the scope of control.

The Pampas grass is quickly working its way from the status of an emerging invasive to status of an establishment invasion the Ailanthus has achieved.  The Pampas grass is a very trendy garden ornamental and is being planted all over these charming French towns, giving them a silly look.   Isabelle is disturbed by this unfortunate turn of events concerning the Pampas grass.  They were not growing here when she was a child. To her they clash with the medieval landscape that the preservationists have sought to achieve.

Conques, France
Conques, France

This is a hillside of the Chestnut trees, Castanea sativa.  There are hiking trails all around Conques which is part of the Compostella trail.

Belcastel, France
Belcastel, France

Here we are in the town of Belcastel.  Behind this church we found more interesting surprises.

Japanese Knotweed, Belcastel, France
Japanese Knotweed, Belcastel, France

This one, Japanese Knotweed!  This nasty invasive is all over France too.  We found a field of wildflowers, many of them various mints, and yet to be identified plants and more Garlic Mustard.

 Belcastel, France
Belcastel, France

We found this plant growing on the hillside behind the church. Its distictive spotted leaves caught our attention  It looks native to this region doesn’t it?   We guessed correctly, and it turns out to be called Pulmonaire affine, and is a common wildflower in France, and it has a blue flower, and is sometimes called Blue Cuckoo.  It is used to make vermouth.


Ailanthus Tree has Invaded France

Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France
Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France

Riding the TGV through the south of France, we pass through Nimes. A beautiful day, sunny Mediterranean skies, and a bottle of Bordeaux.

We are on holiday.

What is that tree growing in the middle of that vacant lot?  Could it possibly be the Ailanthus?

Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France
Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France

Oh No!

Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France
Ailanthus altissima, Tree-of -Heaven, Nimes, France

Oh yes.  The tree native to the rich forests of central China has run rampant through Nimes, France as well as Paris.

It’s growing out of the sides of buildings in Philadelphia, and covers whole forests in Virginia.

No vacation from the globe-trotting Ailanthus tree.



Aralia elata

Japanese Angelica Tree Blooms . Aralia elata,  Horticultural center grounds, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia
Japanese Angelica Tree Blooms . Aralia elata, Horticultural center grounds, West Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

This post is a companion piece to our groundbreaking and controversial post The Japanese Angelica Tree Rapidly Invades Morris Park .   This is a tree that has spines all the way up its trunk and is a familiar sight in the Wissahickon Valley Park, West Fairmount Park and increasingly in The Cobbs Creek Watershed.

For many years this plant was considered to be a native.  There is a native plant very closely related that grows in another part of the state, and is not in this range. We have obtained photographs of this similar plant so we can show the differences and clear up any confusion about the native to America one and the invasive in Philadelphia one.   The picture above  and below show the flower of the invasive Japanese Angelica Tree which is often confused with a plant commonly called the Devils Walking Stick or Hercules club (Aralia spinosa), the native one that naturally grows in the western portion of Pennsylvania.  The differences in the structural characteristics of the flower is what is most distinguishing between the two very similar species.   The flowering structure of the invasive introduced Japanese Angelica Tree has a series of stems that radiate from a singular point, like a burst, such as fireworks for example.  At the end of the post we will show you the native Spinosa, which has a flower with a single central stalk, where the stems come off all the way along, up to the top, more like an oak tree.  This, believe it or not is the single most distinguishing characteristic that separates the two species. August through early September is the time to view this flowering structure.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

Above, The Japanese Angelica tree with its ‘fireworks’ flower habit, with multiple stems radiating from a single point.

The leaf of the Japanese Angelica tree is  bi-pinnately compound, with spikes at the axis along the central stem.  This plant is interesting to look at.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

Below is a compromised picture of the seedling taken under extreme conditions.  The young shoots are considered a delicacy in Japan and they are sauteed and eaten! One of these days, perhaps it should be tried out here.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

Below is a very clear picture of the flower of the invasive Japanese Angelica tree, where all of the stalks originate from a singular point. If you see an Aralia in your natural area, and it looks like this, start questioning its provenance.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

If you walk in the Wissahickon Valley park, this is a regular mid-to late summer viewing.  Those spiny trees with the large white flowers you see everywhere are a noxious weed we would be better off without.    There are no native to Western Pennsylvania Devils Walking Stick  (Aralia spinosa) in Fairmount Park.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

Here we show an approximate size of the seeds.  The Japanese angelica tree is smaller than the native Devils Walking Stick, measuring in about 3 mm.  The native to Western Pennsylvania Devil’s walking stick or Hercules’ Club measures in about 5 to 6 millimeters.

Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia
Aralia elata, The Japanese Angelica Tree, Wissahickon Valley, Fairmount Park. Philadelphia

Aralia Spinosa

Hercules club, the native Aralia spinosa blooms in Tallahasee Florida, July 11, 2011
Hercules club, the native Aralia spinosa blooms in Tallahasee Florida, July 11, 2011

This tree, shown above, is native to North America, but only to certain regions. Outside of those regions, this plant is considered introduced.  Here is the flower.  Shown in the above picture is a central axis, where the flower spikes originate from all the way up the main spine.

It is interesting how two separate species, so closely related, behave so differently!  One has been growing on this continent in certain areas for thousands of years and the other was growing on a different continent for thousands of years.  When one was brought over just over 100 years ago and planted, it has thrived and become problematic.  The native Aralia fits right in to its ecosystem and contributes.  The invasive one is taking over, and destroying habitat, throwing woodland areas off balance.  We do not know the full effects of this invasion.  It is still localized in the Philadelphia area, however It has been sighted along Route 1 near the Maryland border.  It is spreading rapidly, into New Jersey and LongIsland.

Native birds are eating the seeds of the invasive exotic Japanese Angelica tree.  While in the short-term, these birds may be obtaining nourishment  from  the seeds, the bigger picture most likely offers a more disturbing situation.  The birds end up spreading a species that has the potential to contribute to a  possible ecosystem collapse that could lead to the extinction of the bird species.  This ecosystem collapse could be in the form of a series of localized extirpations as the habitats are continuously compromised  by habitat loss over a series of years and events. However as time goes on, these localized extirpations where a species is eradicated from its home area permanently, will lead to widespread extirpation and possible extinction.

These are awfully strong scenerios, ecosystem collapse and extinction! What does that mean? When?  Try to imagine the effects of environmental disturbances telegraphed into the centuries and millennia ahead.   There is no saying for sure, but why take a chance?  We humans ought to consider bringing our environmental disturbances down to a minimum. We must pass on these forests to the species that will grow out of our remains.

Seeing whole sections of Fairmount Park covered with invasive weeds with hardly a native plant in sight is the extirpation of an ecosystem.  A parking lot is an extirpation.  What was there before is now gone.  The more areas extirpated around it, the more difficult it will be for it to recover.

In Philadelphia, we should be able to walk into a healthy forest and see what a Pennsylvania forest really is supposed to look like, right here in our 9000 acre Fairmount Park backyard. The Japanese angelica tree is making that pleasure even more distant.

Hercules club, the native Aralia spinosa blooms in Tallahasee Florida, July 11, 2011

Hercules club, the native Aralia spinosa blooms in Tallahasee Florida, July 11, 2011

The Aralia spinosa growing in Tallahassee Florida.  A native tree in its ecosystem.  What a beauty!

Do you have The Japanese Angelica tree in your ecosystem?  How about the Devils walking stick?  Have you ever been confused about this tree?  Do you think that “it’s all good”, and we should welcome alien plants as if they are part of some imagined grand scenario where they end up benefitting somebody or something somewhere in some unknown future time?  Or do you think that the “its all good” theory is foolish gambling, unscientific,  with no basis in observation and rationality?   What should we do with the millions of specimens of non-native Japanese Angelica Trees in Fairmount Park? What do you think used to grow in their place and how would we find out?  Do you think the tree is a harmful agent threatening the last remaining least disturbed natural areas of Fairmount Park?

From our adventures in many areas of Fairmount Park, From Chamounix Woods in West Park to the Wyndale Avenue Woods in Cobbs Creek, as well as right here in Morris Park, we believe that yes, this tree is a threat.

Please pipe up about your thoughts about this subject in our comments feature.   Have you ever grabbed onto one with your bare hands going down a steep hill in the Wissahickon?  Tell us about that experience!